AWS Cost Management and Customer Support

There are 4 main support plans::

  • Access online resources (basic)
  • General guidance from AWS (Developer)
  • 24-hour technical support (Business)
  • Dedicated Account Managers and Personaliiseid Consultation

Total Cost of Ownership

The Total Cost of Ownership (ToC) calculator is a free calculator to compare AWS cloud and on-premise costs. It’s designed for anyone who is considering migrating to AWS.

It creates a report after we complete a short questionaire.

The report will include estimated on-premise costs such as:

  • Server hardware
  • Network hardware
  • Power and cooling costs
  • Data center space
  • Cost of IT personnel
  • Based on assumption costs

Billing Dashboard

Overall billing for the current month.

Spend Summary Graph

Cost for the previous month, current month to date, and estimates cost for current month to the end.

Spend by Service & Service by Spend

Current month-to-date only. What services are used most. Both graphs provide costs. And information on the services used the most.

Spend by service shows percentages of total cost. Service by spend shows amounts spent on service.

Cost Explorer

Graphs historic data up to 12 months and provides forecasts up to 3 months. Also provides reserved instance recommendations.

Also includes numerous preset filters.

Consolidated Billing

Companies with numerous, separate AWS accounts. Simplify billing with potential cost savings.

Customer Support

PlanUser Profile
BasicIndividual Users Experiment with AWS
DeveloperIndividual users experimenting with AWS
Business* Multiple Accounts * Production Environments on AWS * Use 1-2 services heavily
Enterprise* Multiple accounts * Large scale, business critical production environments

Customer Service and Communities

All plans have 24/7 access to community resources.

Best Practices

All plans have access.

Trusted Advisor’s six core checks.

Personal Health Dashboard

All plans have access.

Monitors AWS issues in regions and AZs that affect your account and alerts you.

Business & Enterprise have access to the health API.

Technical support

Developer plan only gets business hours, business and above get anytime.


Business & Enterprise can do this programmatically.

System Impaired (Developer subscriber)

12 hours

Production System Down (business subscriber)

Within 1 hour

Business-critical system down (enterprise)

Within 15 minutes.

The agreed response time only applies to the initial response from AWS, not follow-up responses.

Architectural Support

Developer only gets best practice, but enterprise gets custom.