Algorithmic Design Paradigms Greedy Algorithms Greedy algorithms aim to make the optimal choice at that given moment. Each step it chooses the optimal choice, without knowing the future. It attempts to find the globally optimal way to solve the entire problem using this method. Why Are Greedy Algorithms Called Greedy? Algorithms are called
Popular Creating your own VPN with PiHole & UnBound on AWS Introduction In this blog post we will: * Create our own VPN on AWS * Add PiHole to iit * Use Unbound as our DNS resolver * Access the VPN using Wireguard * Not go bankrupt doing it! Step 1 Create an AWS lightsail instance on Amazon. We use Lightsail instead of EC2 because EC
Extremely Hard TryHackMe Rooms This is a community created path of extremely difficult rooms that will challenge you. While TryHackMe focuses on learning, the experts need to learn to and that requires much harder content. Enjoy! If you manage to complete this entire list, please message the Discord about it – it’s very hard!
grind75 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists Problem You are given the heads of two sorted linked lists list1 and list2. Merge the two lists in a one sorted list. The list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. Return the head of the merged linked list. Example 1: Input: list1
AI Absolute Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Machine learning, what a buzzword. I’m sure you all want to understand machine learning, and that’s what I’m going to teach in this article. I found that learning the theroetical side alongside the programming side makes it easier to learn both, so this article features both easy
grind75 Grind75-2 - Valid Parathesis Problem Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid. An input string is valid if: 1. Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets. 2. Open brackets
Is the Real Mona Lisa in the Louvre? The most famous painting in the world, more people know her face than perhaps any other face on earth. Presidents, dictators, musicans come and go but her.... she stays put. Her sfumato style elicits many secrets. Is she really a self-portrait of Da Vinci? Is she a play on gender,
Algorithms Featured 🤔 What Is Dynamic Programming With Python Examples Dynamic programming is breaking down a problem into smaller sub-problems, solving each sub-problem and storing the solutions to each of these sub-problems in an array (or similar data structure) so each sub-problem is only calculated once. It is both a mathematical optimisation method and a computer programming method. Optimisation problems
rust Tip: Use match statements instead of hash maps Hashmaps are often touted as the fastest way to store & lookup data. They have O(1) constant time lookup, which means no matter what you look up it will always take the same amount of time. Whereas other search algorithms (Binary Search, for instance) take O(log n) time,
Zero Power Computing — How to Perform Calculations Using Zero Power Moore’s law is dying. There have been countless articles on this. We cannot keep on packing transistors into a given unit of space, expecting each time that the power of the CPU doubles every year. The smaller and smaller the chips are made, the more problems that are produced.
web3 Featured In Response to My first impressions of web3 This a response to Moxie Marlinspike’s “My First Impression of Web3” Both gave me a feeling for how the space works. To be clear, there is nothing particularly “distributed” about the apps themselves: they’re just normal react websites. The “distributedness” refers to where the state and the logic/
programming An Algorithm for Finding Anagrams Finding anagrams of words does not look like a difficult problem but has an interesting solution. An anagram is a word or sentence that can be transformed into another word or sentence. Elvis has all the same letters as Lives, so Elvis is an anagram of Lives. The way most
Who needs painkillers when you have virtual reality? Introduction Image of Blain Baxter from here 10-year-old Blaine Baxter injured his arm in a go-karting accident last year. Painful daily dressing changes at the hospital made him so anxious he had to be sedated. Not only was the sedation costing money, but Blaine was still anxious before the sedation.
Finding The Most Important Sentences Using NLP and TF-IDF We’re going to create a summary of BBC News Articles and place them at the top using a Firefox extension. This article is about the gnarly algorithm Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). We’re going to create a real-world usage in the form of a Firefox extension. I know
AVL Trees - Trees that can keep balanced by rotating An AVL tree (named after inventors Adelson-Velsky and Landis) is a self-balancing binary search tree. Before we delve into AVL trees, we need to learn a few things. Height of a tree The height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root node (the top
This Simple Trick will Save you Hours of Expanding Binomials Ever wanted to know how to expand (a+b)¹⁸⁷? Well now you can! What is a Binomial Coefficient? First, let’s start with a binomial. A binomial is a polynomial with two terms typically in the format (a+b)² A binomial coefficient is raising a binomial to the power of
programming Graph Theory If you want to learn a lot about Graph Theory, check out this article The seven bridges of Koenigsberg is the foundation and birth of graph theory. There was a puzzle that stated: Can you cross all seven bridges exactly once? There are 2 rules for this problem: 1. Do
hacking Making Hacking Accessible I hate the current state of hacking education, or of hacking tools. None of it is accessible to any minority. In this post, I aim to distil some guidelines for making hacking accessible. I am by no means an expert. I don’t even work in A11Y. However, I do
programming Public Key Cryptography Simply Explained Public key cryptography seems magical to everyone, even those who understand it. In this post, I'm going to explain public key cryptography. Public Key Cryptography is based on asymmetric cryptography, so first let us talk about symmetric cryptography.
Hash functions explained for non cryptographers A hash function takes a message, m, and returns a pseudo-random string of letters/numbers which should be unique to that message. Let’s say the hash function returns “aBc67D” for the message “I love dogs”. This function should not return the same “aBc67D” for “Donuts are cool”. Hashing algorithms
How linked lists work with an application to Blockchain The blockchain is an immutable, ordered, back-linked list of blocks of transactions. If you want to truly understand blockchain you need to understand linked lists. Linked Lists are a linear collection of data elements. Linearty in a linked list is not defined by each element’s physical placement. Instead each
books Book Review: Atomic habits 5/5 ⭐ Buy the book here (this is an affiliate link. I’ll get some of the money you pay for the book at no extra cost to you.) Atomic habits builds on the sensational work of Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit by applying more new & groundbreaking
How To Get Any Job You Want - The Definitive Guide To Employability Skills (2019) This is a book I wrote on job applications. It’s now available for free right here, with no catches. Seriously. You do not have to buy anything or sign up for anything. This is the entire book, for free, with 0 content taken away and 0 added. It’s
Creating a Framework to Teach Key Stage 3 Students Reinforcement Learning with Autonomous (Simulated) Robots Abstract Reinforcement learning has traditionally been a dull topic to learn, especially for students who may not understand programming. With this dissertation, it is shown that reinforcement learning can be joyous to learn, and easier than some might have suspected. This dissertation shows a framework for teaching reinforcement learning to
Edition 1 Hello 👋 Bee here. Welcome to edition 1 of my weekly newsletter 🔮 Technologically Clairvoyant. Every week, we’ll explore what the future can hold for us. This is a beta-test before I send it out to my whole list. Let me know (via email, or however else you can contact me)